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The Association of Thames Yacht Clubs (ATYC) is a thriving community of clubs, boat owners and families enjoying the River Thames to the full. We promote and encourage recreational boating on the River Thames and adjacent waterways. Membership to the association is open to all yacht and boating clubs providing activities for craft owners based on or near the river Thames, both tidal below Teddington and non-tidal between Teddington and the upriver limit of navigation at Lechlade.
The Association organises social events and interclub activities for the benefit of clubs and their individual members. These include rallies, training activities and interclub competitions on both the tidal and non-tidal sections of the Thames. Once a year we hold a dinner & dance,
a popular event for our member clubs to get together and party.
As well as social events the Association also organises competitions, training events and interclub activities for the benefit of clubs and their individual members. These enhance the standard of motor boating skills and improve the knowledge of procedures on the river Thames in accordance with the RYA motto of education, not legislation. More information can be found on the training page
ATYC Rallies usually follow a three-year cycle with two consecutive events on the non-tidal waterway and a triennial rally which in the past has been hosted by the Docklands Scout Project (itself an ATYC member) at West India & Millwall Docks. This is a particular favourite for both our tidal and non-tidal based clubs. The event features training activities, demonstrations and interclub competitions as well as a dinner & dance on the Saturday night for members to party.
The ATYC represents boating interests in consultation with the Port of London Authority (PLA) which manages the tidal river and the Environment Agency (EA), the government agency responsible for the non tidal waterway. Many issues are increasingly affecting enjoyment of recreational boating, particularly significant reductions in public funding for the non-tidal waterway. Increasing registration charges accompanied by reductions in services present real challenges.
How do we do what we do and by what are we governed? Find out exactly how it all works by reading our constitution. The link below will take you to a downloadable link and a handy PDF viewer