The following terms and conditions are taken from the Yacht Harbour Association’s general regulations and conditions of berthing. They have been designed with the greatest care and with the sole aim of protecting in law the proper rights of both the Company and the Licensee. The Licence also protects Licensees other than the signatory holder, particularly in regard to the clauses relating to noise and nuisance where the beauty, peace and tranquillity require special protective measures.
The visitor also agrees to abide by the Special Conditions, which we consider are necessary to cover the special situations that may arise in our Marina. Where these conditions are at variance, the Special Conditions will apply.
As visitors the ATYC have submitted a risk assessment document for this event.
Whilst there are many rules and regulations within the marina we have listed a few key ones in the bullet points below that apply to our visit.
Operation in and around the marina and on marina land is implicit acceptance of these terms and conditions.
- All vessels within the port are to comply with the appropriate International, National and Local Regulations for the type of vessels.
- All boat owners are reminded that any Vessel on the Thames including those moored within Shepperton Marina must be licensed with the Environment Agency. A Licence application form may be obtained from the Marina Office.
- The Owner must and must ensure that any other person on board or accessing the Vessel while in the Marina premises (excluding the Company) does observe the Regulations published from time to time by the Company, including Company’s Health, Safety and Environmental policies.
- Company will supply the Owner with a copy of the Regulations current at the time of granting the Licence. The Company reserves the right to introduce new Regulations where required on legal grounds or for the safety or security or good management of the Marina Premises, and to amend such Regulations as from time to time may be necessary. Such Regulations and any amendments to them will become effective on being displayed on the Company's public notice board or other prominent place at the Marina Premises, and a breach of any of the Regulations will amount to a breach of these Conditions.
- The Owner must and must ensure that any other person on board or accessing the Vessel while in the Marina Premises (excluding the Company) does report to the Company all accidents involving injury to any person or damage to any public or private property that occur in the Marina Premises as soon as reasonably possible after they occur.
- The Owner must, and must ensure that any other person on board or accessing the Vessel while in the Marina Premises (excluding the Company) does not operate any noisy, noxious or objectionable engines, radio, or other apparatus or machinery within the Marina Premises so as to cause any nuisance or annoyance to any other users of the Marina Premises or to any person residing in the vicinity. Halyards and other rigging shall be secured so as not to cause such nuisance or annoyance.
- The Owner must and must ensure that any other person on board or accessing the Vessel while in the Marina Premises (excluding the Company) does not throw any refuse overboard or dispose of it anywhere in the Marina Premises, other than in the receptacles provided by the Company or by removal from the Marina Premises.
- The Owner must provide and maintain at least one fire extinguisher, which is approved and manufactured to EN3 standards for portable fire extinguishers, and ensure it is fit for purpose for the Vessel and ready for immediate use in case of fire.
- The Owner must always ensure that the Vessel is maintained in a clean and tidy state and in a seaworthy or navigable condition (as appropriate).
- The Owner must ensure that, while underway within the Marina, the Vessel is manoeuvred and navigated: with reasonable skill and care; In accordance with any applicable speed limits and any other applicable laws or regulations; and In such a manner so as not to endanger or inconvenience any other vessels in the Marina.
- The Owner must ensure that, while moored within the Marina, the Vessel is appropriately secured using such number of fenders and warps of sufficient size and strength and in such configuration as may be appropriate to the Vessel, the mooring and the anticipated weather conditions. Unless otherwise agreed by the Company, such fenders and warps shall be provided by the Owner.
- Insurance cover is to be maintained throughout the time the vessel is in marina waters.
- The Owner shall not leave any electric fan or incandescent heater in operation aboard the vessel while the vessel is unoccupied.
- Children must be supervised and accompanied by an adult at all times. Swimming, diving and fishing within the marina is strictly prohibited.
- The hardware of the Marina Premises is not to be interfered with in any way.
- Tenders to all craft subject to a valid Shepperton Marina mooring Licence are to be kept on davits (where fitted) or aboard the parent craft. They may not be left in the water, adjacent to the parent craft, on the bank or on the pontoons.
- Company asks that; except for access, all dinghy and small craft owners avoid the Marina Basin, which can be extremely dangerous when large craft are manoeuvring.
- Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times and under the strictest control in order not to cause nuisance to others or to cause damage to the Marina Premises. For reasons of hygiene, dog owners must clean up after their dogs.
- Cats are strictly prohibited on the Marina or onboard a vessel berthed within the Marina.
- Fishing in the marina is prohibited.
- BBQs are not permitted on and by moored vessels and Trust land without prior permission, see events.
- The Owner may not use any part of the Company’s premises for the purpose of lighting BBQs with the exception where available of specific BBQ areas designated at the Company’s discretion. BBQs must not be lit on pontoons or aboard vessels.
- Discharge of sewage is prohibited as are the use of sea toilets.
- Non-Commercial diving in not permitted within the marina unless in exceptional circumstances, and only after following due process. Diving operations are to be approved by the Harbour Master.
- Swimming in the marina is not permitted